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About Izzy

Hello! First and foremost, I’m a wife, mom to a little boy, and lover of our big dogs. I’ve spent most of my life enveloped in sports, health, and fitness. Fortunately, or unfortunately (depending on how you look at it), it cannot be trained out of me. Over the years of personal growth and client experience, I realized how much I love working with people and helping them find what sets their soul fire, makes them tick, and how to actualize their goals in a meaningful way. I will truly believe in you far more than you believe in yourself and hold onto this so you can reach that feeling for yourself.
What sets me apart is my vast background of working with everyone from collegiate athletes to wheelchair-bound patients. I'm trained in the mental and physical aspects of exercise and won't settle for a client not getting results. You are worth it.


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Meet Izzy

My evolution into this profession has been a fun and interesting ride. I started my professional career coaching at Central Washington University. While getting my Master's degree, I worked for the Wildcats as an Assistant Volleyball Coach and the Women's Strength and Conditioning Coach for the University. My husband, Brandon, and I moved to Portland Oregon for him to pursue his Doctor of Chiropractic. During that time, I worked for 2 years as the Director of Training in a fitness facility and 1 year at a Mt. Hood Chiropractic Clinic as their Exercise and Rehab Specialist. After years of passionate education, research, and work in psychology, nutrition, and optimal performance, I realized that it's time to turn this into practical knowledge for the real world, so people gain skills that can be used in your everyday life that help you lose weight, gain energy, and transform your mind and/or your body! The title has changed, the clientele changed, but the desire to help people improve mentally and physically has never wavered.
